Jani Holopainen

Jani is a Master's student at the University of Helsinki where he has been studying the increase in consumer awareness for sustainability issues which have become an important driver for companies to report Corporate Responsibility (CR) activities, attain ecolabels and certificates. The forest sector makes a good and globally recognized example, where the most prominent CR tool is the forest certification and uptake of Certified Forest Products (CFPs). While the existing consumer research on Certified Forest Products (CFPs) has not considered the broader institutional influences on affective and cognitive consumer choices, the purpose of this study is to develop and test a model in order to better understand the institutional dynamics involved in consumer behavior and choices in different CR –certified product contexts. With the choice-based conjoint he is able to test the validity and relative importance of different certification attributes for the consumer choices and how they are linked with consumers’ cognitions. The results will contribute to the CR –certified product marketing literature and the model will help building the institution of sustainable consumerism.

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