Dinita Setyawati

Dinita Setyawati studied Southeast Asian politics at SOAS, University of London. Since April 2019, she is working on her doctorate at Kyoto University in Japan. She is a member of Global Environmental Policy lab at the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies. Her research focuses on the social acceptance and justice of renewable energy projects in Asia.

More specifically, her current research project focuses on the distributional and procedural aspects of justice and how those aspects influence the social acceptance of renewable energy projects. It is expected that her study will provide useful recommendations for policymakers in designing energy policy which include justice aspects. In her study, she will elicit customers’ preferences for adopting new technology by identifying the attributes in the case study context.

She considers the transition from fossil-based towards renewables is imperative to achieve universal energy access for all, as stipulated in the Sustainable Development Goals.

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