Vanessa Heiligtag

Vanessa is a Business student with a strong Marketing focus at the University of Münster in Germany. In order to finish her Master of Science, she is currently writing her Master Thesis at the Chair of the Institute of Value-based Marketing about "Consumers' Preferences for Mobility Solutions".

New ways of transportation and individual mobility, such as electric cars and shared rides, gain increased attention in public as companies in the automotive industry rapidly develop new technologies that are meant to change the way people travel tomorrow. These potential future mobility solutions for consumers are highly relevant in practice but also represent a currently discussed topic in the field of marketing research. Thus, Vanessa's Master Thesis aims at identifying consumers' preferences regarding an on-demand public transport service by conducting a Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis.

The target group of the survey will be consumers living within cities and their surrounding areas. Vanessa plans to measure possible differences between people living in urban areas and people living in rural areas surrounding the city as well as different age groups to describe specific segments identified based on their preferences for this on-demand service.