Jonas Pendzialek

Jonas is currently a doctoral candidate in health economics at the Institute of Health Economics and clinical Epidemiology of the University Hospital of Cologne (Germany), researching price elasticity and consumer choice preferences for statutory health insurance in Germany. He also works as a Senior Consultant at B-LUE Management Consulting, a firm specialized in advising health insurer, hospitals, pharmaceutical and medtech companies. Prior to that, he studied Business Administration and Economics at the Leibniz University of Hannover (Germany) and the École Supérieure de commerce (ESC) in Rouen (France). In his spare time he loves to cook and competes in triathlons.


In 2009 a major health care reform introduced a change in premium pricing for German statutory health insurers. The new transparent pricing increased the price elasticity of individuals dramatically, leaving health insurer with higher prices and a significant loss on subscribers. Jonas investigates changes in price elasticity as well as consumer preferences for health insurance. He aims to identify ways for health insurer to optimally meet consumer preferences.

Jonas uses Sawtooth Software’s CBC software to determine what benefits and services are preferred by insured individuals, what benefits and services can raise willingness to pay for higher priced insurances and how preferences vary by age, health status, or income.

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