Leonie Kersting

Leonie, 27 years old, is doing her Master of Arts in Health Care Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Zittau/Görlitz, Germany. Before that, she graduated from Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main in Germany by completing her Bachelor of Arts in sport sciences.

Currently, she is writing her Master’s thesis with a health economic topic. The need for a stronger orientation towards the patients’ interests regarding health care issues is pointed out. It requires reliable knowledge about the needs, preferences and quality standards of the persons concerned.

In her empirical study, preference-forming characteristics should be determined with regard to their importance in the decision-making process of postmyocardial infarction patients for a specific telecoaching program. In order to support these patients in their secondary prevention, she will use the Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis to raise their preferences and their willingness-to-pay.

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